Meet Fourslide Setup & Operator Matt Duval

When Matt Duval arrived at Fourslide fresh out of high school, he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. Nearly forty years later, he couldn’t imagine working anywhere else. And Fourslide wouldn’t be the same without one of its longest-tenured employees.
There was a job shortage in 1985, and Matt went to all the local machine shops looking for work. He spent countless hours with Erector Sets as a kid, so working with machines seemed like a natural fit. Matt jokes that the “ability to do heavy lifting” was one of the biggest strengths on his job application.
Starting as a machine operator and cleaner, Matt quickly discovered that he enjoyed the teamwork, camaraderie, and sense of accomplishment he got from setting up a difficult job and getting it to run perfectly. In 1987, he started the Apprenticeship Training Program with the Connecticut Department of Labor, which required 6,000 hours of classwork and training. Matt obtained his Apprenticeship Certificate in 1990. He is now a critical member of the team setting up and running fourslide machines, monitoring part quality during manufacturing, and even serving as a first-piece inspector when our quality department needs assistance.
Matt has been married for 34 years and has two adult children. He and his wife, Lisa, are currently empty nesters. Matt enjoys going to the gym and taking long walks on the beach. After working under Art Sr., Art Jr., and now Bryan, Matt says he would gladly support a fourth generation of Funk leadership if that day arrives before he retires – at age 80 or so.